Custom File Icons
Liquid snippet to output Font Awesome Icons for downloadable files from a Custom Module.
Add this code somewhere at the top of your Module layout.
This code assumes you have a custom field called 'Icon' which accepts predefined file type values as below. Add your own or change as required.
{% comment %}<!-- Treehouse CODE v1.0.0 -->{% endcomment %} {% if this['Icon'] == 'PDF' %} {% capture faIcon %}<i class="fal fa-file-pdf"></i>{% endcapture %} {% elsif this['Icon'] == 'EXCEL' %} {% capture faIcon %}<i class="fal fa-file-excel"></i>{% endcapture %} {% elsif this['Icon'] == 'DOC' %} {% capture faIcon %}<i class="fal fa-file-word"></i>{% endcapture %} {% elsif this['Icon'] == 'POWERPOINT' %} {% capture faIcon %}<i class="fal fa-file-powerpoint"></i>{% endcapture %} {% elsif this['Icon'] == 'NUMBERS' %} {% capture faIcon %}<i class="fal fa-file-spreadsheet"></i>{% endcapture %} {% endif %}
Then simply use
next to your file name/link:{% comment %}<!-- Treehouse CODE v1.0.0 -->{% endcomment %} {{faIcon}} <a href="#">YOUR FILE NAME</a>
Comments or questions? Head over to the Treepl CMS forum to discuss with the community.